Web Scraping & Analysis of Blind Reviews

Web Scraping Workflows Data Visualization

Code and analysis from the web-scraper script and analysis workflow that I created for the Blind Review listening channel for the Intuit People Analytics Team.

When I interned at Intuit, my manager expressed interest in having a channel that included some competitive intelligence so that we could compare the employee experience at Intuit to the experience at competitors. She was interested in the reviews employees leave anonymously on Blind.

Based on her vision, I crafted the code to scrape ratings on Intuit’s Blind page and the pages of five other competitors: Microsoft, Salesforce, Google, Facebook/Meta, and Amazon and analyze the reviews on a monthly basis. The images and slide deck below show the final outputs of the end-to-end process that I devised.

Ratings Overview

Figure 1: Ratings Overview

Monthly Review Frequency

Figure 2: Monthly Review Frequency

Comparison of Ratings. Bolded ratings are statistically significantly different from Intuit's

Figure 3: Comparison of Ratings. Bolded ratings are statistically significantly different from Intuit’s

View the components of the end-to-end Blind Reviews Workflow:

The scripts were last updated for presentation in Late September/Early October 2023.

Scraping & Cleaning Functions

## Scalar Review Scraping Functions Script ## 

## Overview & Getting Started

# The script contains functions to perform the following steps:

# * Find the maximum number of pages to be queried on Blind.
# * Generate all the sub-pages that make up the reviews
# * Scrape the information from each of them
# * Combine the information into one comprehensive data frame

# This script is sourced in the execute_blind_webscraper.Rmd file. 
# Parameter values for these functions are set in the first chunk of the execute file. 

## Step 1
# **Extract key Information from Each Field of the Review**
# Rely on developer tools.
# Use the inspect option when right clicking on feature on webpage
# to find the html tag that contains the piece of the review you want to extract. 
# The pieces of the review that we care about are AND can scrape: 
# - Review title
# - Reviewer's job title
# - Review ratings

## Trim white space and convert extracted information to vectors
trim_and_unlist <- function(x) { 
  x %>% 
  str_trim() %>%                       

## Title
get_review_title <- function(html){
  html %>% 
    # Specify the relevant tag
    html_nodes('.rvtit') %>%      
    html_text() %>% 

## Reviewer Demographics (current/former; job title)
get_reviewer_info <- function(html){
  html %>% 
    html_nodes('.auth') %>% 
    html_text() %>% 
    str_remove("Verified User") %>% 

## Star-Ratings
get_reviews <- function(html){
  html %>% 
    # Specify the relevant tag for the node
    html_nodes('.review_item_inr') %>%      
    html_text() %>% 


## Step 2

# Scrape Website

get_data_table <- function(html){
  # Extract the Basic information from the HTML
  title <- get_review_title(html) 
  review_info <- get_reviewer_info(html)
  reviews <- get_reviews(html)
  # Combine all info
  combined_data <- tibble(
    reviewer = review_info,
    title = title,
    review = reviews

get_data_from_url <- function(url){
  html <- read_html(url)

scrape_write_table <- function(url){
  # Apply the extraction functions and bind the results into one table 
  list_of_pages %>% 
    # Apply to all URLs
    map(get_data_from_url) %>%  
    # Combine the tibbles into one tibble

scraped_data <- scrape_write_table(url) 

## Step 3 

# Create a clean data table & Export for Analysis
clean_scraped_data <- function(x) {
  x %>%
    # Ratings
      overall_rating = str_extract(review,
                                   "Rating Score[[:digit:]]" ),
      career_growth_rating = str_extract(review, 
      wlb_rating = str_extract(review,
                               "[[:digit:]]Work - Life Balance"),
      compensation_rating = str_extract(review, 
                                        "[[:digit:]]Compensation / Benefits"),
      company_culture_rating = str_extract(review,
      management_rating = str_extract(review, 
      ) %>% 
    mutate(across(ends_with("_rating"), ~str_extract(.x, "[[:digit:]]"))) %>% 
    mutate(across(ends_with("_rating"), ~as.numeric(.x))) %>% 
      # Review Title
      title = str_remove(title, "“"),
      title = str_remove(title, "”"),
      title = str_trim(title, side = "both"),
      # Employment Status
      emp_status = sub("\\·.*", "", reviewer),
      # Review Date
      date = sub('.*-', '', reviewer),
      date = str_trim(date, side = "both"),
      # Reviewer Job Title
      job_title = sub(".*·", "", reviewer),
      job_title = sub('-.*', "", job_title),
      job_title = str_trim(job_title, side = "both")
    ) %>% 
    select(-review, -reviewer) %>% 
             title)  %>% 
             c("Month", "Day", "Year"),
             sep = " ",
             remove = FALSE) %>% 
    mutate(Month = match(Month, month.abb),
           Day = as.numeric(str_remove(Day, ",")),
           Year = as.numeric(Year),
           Date_obj = make_date(Year, Month, Day)
    ) %>% 
    relocate(date, Date_obj) %>% 